Team Captains

Team Racing Captains

This page lists elected or appointed Cambridge team racing captains since 1912. Normally, but not always, this is the person who captained the Varsity Team of that year. However, the captains of the pre-World War I Varsity Matches remain in some doubt and there was no Junior Head of the Club until 1921/22.

In the past the position has coincided with the elected Junior Head of the Club, but that changed when sections were established in 1986. From that time the overall University Team Captain has been the elected head of the Team Racing Section. The elected Head of the Club has been a separate position, as explained on the Historic Officers page. The title associated with the team racing position has varied over the years: Rear Commodore, Vice Commodore, Vice President and, since 2014, Vice Commodore.

YearOpen Team CaptainCollegeWomens Team CaptainCollege
2023-2024Lucius BlighSt. JohnsHannah Cox & Jenny JiangChurchill & Murray Edwards
2022-2023Olly PerkinsRobinsonRosie Jones & Charlotte McConnellMagdalene & Emmanuel
2021-2022Ewan GribbenCaiusOlivia JacklinSt Catharines
2020-2021Olivia JacklinSt CatharinesJuliette KennedyRobinson
2019-2020Robbie KingEmmanuelHolly MacAskillQueens
2018-2019Paris ThomasMagdaleneCat WallaceEmmanuel
2017-2018Cat WallaceEmmanuelAnna PrescottMagdalene
2016-2017James PinderRobinsonRachel TilleyChrists
2015-2016Tim GrattonSt CatharinesRachel TilleyChrists
2014-2015Tom MaxwellDowningFrancine CounsellCorpus Christi
2013-2014Arthur HendersonRobinsonFrancine CounsellCorpus Christi
2012-2013Josh FlackEmmanuelMilly StephensEmmanuel
2011-2012Fiona HampshireSt CatharinesSarah HughesQueens
2011Pete DannattSt JohnsFiona HampshireSt Catharines
2010Pete WathenJesusFiona HampshireSt Catharines
2009-2010Felix DanczakHomertonAnya de IonghCorpus Christi
2008-2009Eddie Glennie (now Lister)CaiusSarah Crossman (now Walker)Queens
2007-2008Pete BunchPembrokeEmma Foster (now Johnstone)Magdalene
2006-2007Tom HeywoodSt JohnsKat Ward (now Phillips)New Hall (Murray Edwards)
2005-2006Ben ListerChristsRosie ThorntonSidney Sussex
2004-2005Jonathon PinnerTrinity HallBethan CardenTrinity Hall
2003-2004Ed ClaySt JohnsGemma FarrellSt Johns
2002-2003Jamie ReidSelwynRachel Howe (now Oliver)New Hall (Murray Edwards)
2001-2002Alistair RoseFitzwilliamKatie HughesSt Johns
2000-2001Richard KeetonChurchillSarah Brewer (now Harston)New Hall (Murray Edwards)
1999-2000Rob SherringtonTrinityAri LiddellNew Hall (Murray Edwards)
1998-1999Archie MasseyPembrokeJo Sutcliffe (now McEwen)Emmanuel
1997-1998Tim BakerDowningAmy Morris (now Hughes)Peterhouse
1996-1997Roger DouglasEmmanuelLucy Davey (now Irish)Girton
1995-1996Luke McEwenPeterhouseKatie NurtonChrists
1994-1995Nick CraigEmmanuelAmy BastowChrists
1993-1994Graham CammMagdaleneKatie Wilson (now James)Newnham
1992-1993Ewan McLellanChristsHelen Kerr (now Merrick)Downing
1991-1992Tom WilkesRobinsonSian Maddock (now Goodman)Kings
1990-1991Chris FoxPembrokeMiranda MerronSidney Sussex
1989-1990Ian WalkerDowningLiz Walker (now Hamilton)New Hall (Murray Edwards)
1988-1989Andy RiceTrinityLiz Walker (now Hamilton)New Hall (Murray Edwards)
1987-1988Nick ReesTrinityAmanda Best (now Hampson)Newnham
1986-1987Chris GibbsGirtonClaire Bethune (now Gribbin)Corpus Christi
1985-1986Peter KennedyRobinsonJenny Fray (now Lyons)St Catharines
1984-1985Barry ParkinDowningJenny Pocock (now Bennett)Emmanuel
1983-1984Julian ElwoodTrinityHelen SteersNewnham
1982-1983Rob CummingMagdaleneAnna StrattonNewnham
1981-1982Stacey ClarkDowningBecky AllottNewnham
1980-1981Andrew HattersleyEmmanuelSarah HowardTrinity
1979-1980Roger YeomanCorpus ChristiElizabeth Jory (now Nodder)Selwyn
1978-1979Mark StruckettSelwynLiz Hoyle (now Savell)Sidney Sussex
1977-1978Bruce BurnettCorpus ChristiJill Dorsett (now Burnett)New Hall (Murray Edwards)
1976-1977Chris AtkinsPembrokeMary ClarkeNewnham
1975-1976Mike HoyleSidney SussexSusanna RiviereChurchill
1974-1975Will HendersonTrinityAnne SimonNewnham
1973-1974John BurkeTrinity HallJanet PhillipsNew Hall (Murray Edwards)
1972-1973Phil CrebbinMagdaleneMartha Langdon-DownNew Hall (Murray Edwards)
1971-1972Bob BarkerFitzwilliamMartha Langdon-DownNew Hall (Murray Edwards)
1970-1971Ricky WillowsClareFelicity WilsonNewnham
1969-1970Gordon WilliamsTrinity HallTrottie StewartGirton
1968-1969John CalvertCaiusR BrookGirton
1967-1968Chris BrownClareG A RussellGirton
1966-1967Peter DixonCorpus ChristiE TroughtonGirton
1965-1966Patrick GiffordMagdaleneDiane Golton (now Carr)Newnham
1964-1965Anthony ButlerClareCelia BarrattNewnham
1963-1964Richard Hermon TaylorSt JohnsRona Bassett (now Lamey)Newnham
1962-1963Peter BainbridgeSidney SussexElizabeth Cooper (now Taylor-Jones)Newnham
1961-1962John ThompsonPeterhouseJane Philpot (now Buckley)Newnham
1960-1961Jeremy VinesEmmanuelDaphne Fischer-Webb (now Boddington)Newnham
1959-1960Peter Romer-LeeTrinityDaphne Fischer-Webb (now Boddington)Newnham
1958-1959Andrew GreenMagdaleneSylvia Stephenson (now Lachmann)Newnham
1957-1958Mike ProsserTrinityHilary Fischer-Webb (now Weeks)Newnham
1956-1957Mike PopePembrokeHilary Fischer-Webb (now Weeks)Newnham
1955-1956George EdmondCaiusHilary Fischer-Webb (now Weeks)Newnham
1954-1955Mike PeacockTrinity
1953-1954Brian HeronSt Catharines
1952-1953Jack KnightsDowning
1951-1952A G BakerCaius
1950-1951C W GreenKings
1949-1950J A SampsonCorpus Christi
1948-1949R R ColesClare
1947-1948W R SwannKings
1946-1947R G FrederickTrinity Hall
1945-1946R G FrederickTrinity Hall
1944-1945C H GriffithTrinity
1943-1944Peter TrubshaweClare
1942-1943B H ColemanJesus
1941-1942P R MastersPembroke
1940-1941G F DeakinPembroke
1939-1940World War II
1938-1939James BlewittTrinity
1937-1938Ben Everton JonesDowning
1936-1937J F PaxtonPembroke
1935-1936J F PaxtonPembroke
1934-1935W B de QuinceySt Johns
1933-1934John WinterTrinity
1932-1933John WinterTrinity
1931-1932Sir J N NicholsonTrinity
1930-1931T H ScottClare
1929-1930Stewart MorrisTrinity
1928-1929Frank UsborneClare
1927-1928G C TozerTrinity
1926-1927J W KettlewellPembroke
1925-1926H R RogersTrinity
1924-1925W D SmellieKings
1923-1924C A BoardmanQueens
1922-1923G P ChandlerTrinity
1921-1922C S LeafTrinity
1920-1921J R SmellieKings
1919-1920J R SmellieKings
1914-1918World War I
1913-1914J BarcroftKings
1912-1913T G FowlerCaius
1911-1912 (Match Race)G I TaylorTrinity

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