2021 Cuppers Sails and Surfs Again – June 2021

2021 Cuppers Details

After two blank years (calms in 2019 and COVID-19 in 2020) a very successful 2021 Cuppers event for both sailors and windsurfers was run at Grafham on 22 June.  Trinity triumphed in windsurfing, with Fitzwilliam taking the Silver Fleet trophy and Hughes Hall (Chris Outlaw) finishing 3rd.  A joint Caius-Hughes Hall team were victorious in the sailing, with a joint Clare-Trinity team taking the Silver Fleet trophy.

Entries were reduced this year because, due to COVID-19, exams were still running and May Week Bumps were also running because of their changed format.  The windsurfers settled scores with just one long and exciting race of thrills and spills.  The team racers ran two complete round-robins before settling final scores by a best-of-three match race series after lunch, with active on-the-water umpiring much in evidence.

A brisk northerly wind provided just the right conditions for both sailing and windsurfing, though the sun was noticeably absent.  A video of the match racing finals is on Instagram

A big thank-you to Commodore Tom Kosteletos and past-Commodore Freddie Scott for organising such an excellent event – and also to others who assisted.  The BBQ, staffed by senior officers, proved as successful as ever.

Photographs of 2021 Cuppers

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