Contact Us

You have a Query

  • Contact the Junior Secretary, whose email address is on the Club Officers page, if you have a query about the Club’s student activities.
  • Email the Alumni Administrator if you have a query about the Club’s alumni activities or need to update your alumni email address.
  • Approach the Webmaster if you have a concern about the content of the website, wish to contribute material to it, or have experienced a difficulty in using it.

Students and those in Cambridge – How to stay in touch

If you would like to receive regular information about student sailing, windsurfing, and kitesurfing activities while you are in Cambridge, please complete the form below. You will receive emails telling you about training opportunities, sailing, windsurfing, and kitesurfing trips, team trials, events, social activities taking place in Cambridge and at Grafham Water, and opportunities being offered by our sponsors. You can opt out of our email list at any time – we publish a detailed student Privacy Notice on this website.   N.B. No need to complete this form if you have booked on a trip or event, or joined the Club – you will have been added to our lists automatically.

Because of our charitable status we can offer sailing, windsurfing, and kitesurfing only to students (postgraduate as well as undergraduate) of non-commercial universities and colleges.   Postdocs and others are very welcome in the Club as trainers and helpers. Students must be 18 years of age or older. Students not at Cambridge University must be full-time; in addition, such students are not eligible to sail on teams representing Cambridge University. All fields on the form are required.

Your Name (First Name and Family Name)

Your College. If no college, use 'University' if you have some University connection, 'City' otherwise.

Your Email Address

Year You Expect to Depart From Cambridge (YYYY).
Use 9999 if you are a Postdoc or similar and your departure date is uncertain.

Your Interests - Dinghy Sailing, Windsurfing, Team Racing, Kiteboarding, Women's Sailing, Etc.
You may also comment and ask questions in this box.

Summary of Experience and any Qualifications Held

Do you consent to the CUCrC storing your information (Yes or No), in accordance with the Club's Privacy Notice, so that you can be kept informed of Club activities in line with your expressed interests?

Alumni – How to stay in touch

If you would like to be an Alumni Supporter and receive regular information about alumni events, plus news of student sailing and windsurfing activities, please complete the form below.   You can opt out of our email list at any time – we publish a detailed alumni Privacy Notice on this website.   If you also wish to make a gift to the Club, please follow the guidance we give on our Alumni Information page.   If you have a general query, contact the Alumni Administrator.  With the exception of maiden or former name, all fields on the form are required.

Your Name (First Name and Family Name)

Your Maiden or Former Name (Optional)

Your College

Year You First Entered Cambridge (YYYY)

Your Email Address

Your Best Telephone Number (Mobile preferred)

Your Primary Sailing Interest at Cambridge - Dinghy Sailing, Windsurfing, Team Racing, Kiteboarding

Current Sailing Activities, Country of Residence if Not UK, Etc.
You may also comment and ask questions in this box.

Do you consent to the CUCrC storing your information (Yes or No), in accordance with the Club's Privacy Notice, so that you can be kept informed of Club activities in line with your expressed interests?