
Make a Legacy Gift to CUCrC

This page gives some guidance on how to make a legacy in favour of CUCrC support funds as part of your Will. It may be helpful to take these guideline with you when you consult your legal adviser. Remember that charitable legacies have the excellent effect of reducing the IHT liability of your estate!

We suggest a residuary gift because your gift will then keep pace with inflation – eliminating the need for revisions to your will. You can direct your legacy to one or more specific support funds of the Club by inserting support fund names before ‘charitable purposes’ in the suggested wording below.

Suggested wording for a Residuary Bequest – for boat replacement:

“I GIVE (eg. 0.5%) of the residue of my estate to the Cambridge University Cruising Club, HM Revenue and Customs Reference: X95879, care of Lloyds TSB Bank, 1-5 Sidney Street, CAMBRIDGE CB2 3HQ, for its charitable purposes. I further direct that the receipt of the Senior Treasurer or other proper officer of the Cambridge University Cruising Club for the time being shall be a full and sufficient discharge for the said legacy.”

Suggested wording for a Codicil – illustrating a pecuniary (i.e. fixed amount) legacy.

A codicil is sometimes used to add a further instruction to an existing will. It is important that any such codicil is compatible with the original will and it is carried out correctly. Therefore, please consult with your legal adviser over the precise wording for your codicil(s). Here is an example of the typical wording used – in the case of a pecuniary legacy:

“I (full name) of (address) DECLARE this to be a (e.g. first) Codicil to my Will dated (date in words).

1. I GIVE the sum of of (insert amount) to the Cambridge University Cruising Club, HM Revenue and Customs Reference: X95879, care of Lloyds TSB Bank, 1-5 Sidney Street, CAMBRIDGE CB2 3HQ, for its charitable purposes. I further direct that the receipt of the Senior Treasurer or other proper officer of the Cambridge University Cruising Club for the time being shall be a full and sufficient discharge for the said legacy.

2. IN ALL other respects I confirm my said Will. IN WITNESS whereof I have hereunto set my hand this (date in words).

SIGNED by the said (name) the Testator as and for a (e.g. First) Codicil to his (her) said Will dated the (date) in the presence of us both being present at the same time who at his (her) request in his (her) presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses:

(Signature of Testator and two Witnesses, in Scotland only one Witness is required.)”

Please note: These suggestions are given for guidance only and do not constitute legal advice. We recommend that you consult your legal adviser over making or altering a will.

Cambridge go for maximum speed at the 2017 BUSA Finals at West Kirby (They finished runners-up, 3rd, 4th)